Monday, November 24, 2008


So have you seen the Twlight movie yet?? I went this past Friday with a few friends and saw it. It was just ok. Now keep in mind, that I was in the second row and that may have had something to do with it. There were several very funny, laugh out loud parts, but also a couple of really random parts that I didn't like. So, it was just ok in my book.....but I will probably see it again so I can focus a little more without being on the second row!!

Otherwise, a productive weekend and we got alot done around the house. The kids are all packed for Disneyland with the exception of socks for the boys!! We got some new doors hung downstairs and put up a shelf in the storage room. Ron got rid of all his baseball cards, a major thing for him!! Anyway - productive!!

As for my countdowns.......2 days til Thanksgiving, 8 days til Disneyland, 30 days til Christmas and 31 til Aidan's 3rd Birthday!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Busy Saturdays....

Where do our weekends go?? This weekend went by so quickly! Since Ron works graves, he is home all day on Fridays and doesn't work Friday Friday during the day we typically do our running around. This week we didn't have any to do, so we worked around the house....laundry, dishes, hanging new doors in the basement, sorting baseball cards to sell, etc, etc Friday night I got a brief break and went to see a friend conduct the Relief Society singing thing at Temple Square. Saturday was more of the same...laundry, lots of laundry, more work on doors, more laundry, dishes, then we ran to Costco for some dog food!! And to dinner at Chick Fil A and then home, kids in bed and us to bed....and welcome welcome Sabbith morning!! Sunday is here and now gone along with the weekend!! We got alot accomplished but seriously the weekend goes by WAY too fast! I would love about 48 more hours on the weekends to spend time with my family having fun and not doing laundry!!

Also, we leave on Friday, December 5th to go to Disneyland!! I am so excited and so are the kids!! They can't wait to go!! I started packing them this weekend...can't start that too early when we have so much to remember to bring! Ron still isn't too excited since he has never been!! Poor guy, doens't know what he's missing!! So anyway, thus starts the countdown..... 18 days til Disneyland, 11 days til Thanksgiving, and 39 days til Christmas!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Shopping....Are you done??

So Halloween is past, Thanksgiving is two weeks from tomorrow, and Christmas is less then 44 days away...just over a month! Our Bishop has advised not to go into debt for Christmas, but how do you do that with just over a month left, 2 and in some cases three paychecks away, yet for some only one more paycheck!! Can you pay for Christmas with your next one or two paychecks, or does the thought of that throw you into a mid life crisis?? Have you started your shopping yet?? Do you have any ideas in mind? Are you making most of your presents this year?? How many people do you buy for and will you cut back this year because of the economy??

Although most of you will think I am crazy, we are almost done. I am making some of my presents this year, and those are mostly put together with a few finishing touches left to sew. Making presents will save us a ton of money, and alot of time in the stores. The presents the kids are getting from Ron and I are done. Our parents are about 70% done. Other family, ideas are in place or mostly done. Neighbor gifts are figured out and a tiny bit started on. I love being done with my shopping by Thanksgiving. I hope to be able to do that this year as well, then I will only have things to put together and wrap after Thanksgiving!! So yes, we are able to do as advised and follow the Bishops counsel.....our Chirstmas will NOT send us into debt!! Instead it will be more homemade, and hopefully we will be able to use that to our advantage and be able to teach our kids to focus on Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ, instead of the presents!!

I hope this post doens't panic anyone....just a reality check!! Start your shopping early, make gifts, have a plan, make a budget and stick to it....but most importantly, remember what Christmas is all about and don't go into debt buying presents!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Ahhhh Mondays....

So Sunday with coughing and snot was not enough, they have to carry in into today too!! I have three sick kids and alot of SNOT!! I despise SNOT....I always get sick when there is snot around my house, and with three snotty noses, we have alot of snot today!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't catch what they have!!

Enough about the snot, thanks to our friends who came over on Sat. we had a wonderful time getting to know you all better. Makes me want warmer weather already so we can get some camping/fishing trips in!!

Also, BIG congrats to Shauni and family on the birth of their newest member!! Sophia was born on Friday and is one beautiful and lucky little girl to be born into such a special family! It was a pleasure to meet you Sophia and welcome!!

Speaking of litlte ones....I took Isaac in on Monday for his one year appt. My little guy, isn't so little anymore. He weighed in at 22.2 pounds, 48%, up form 17 pounds, 30% at his 9 month visit. He is a whopping 30 1/3 inches tall, 76% on his height..... he takes after his dad like Maddie!!

Aside from the snot, everyone is doing well. Lots going on this week, enrichment night on Tues, AD on Wed. night (Stef, I need you to show me how to make the gumdrop turkeys before Wed going to be around??), Recipe Club on Thurs here...I get to make a double layer pumpkin pie for that, come if you can!! Working out every day, kids going to school M-Thurs, (not today though).....need to go to Target and have then price match the boots I bought the kids on Fri, need to make dinner for a family in our Ward, lots to do!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Excited............

Ok, so most of you who see me on a regular basis, know that Isaac is walking all over the place now. I am so excited because tonight at dinner, he did not just his first "sign" in ASL
(American Sign Language) but he did a four of them.....he signed Milk, more, eat and excited!! I try to remember to sign to him most of those words every time I say them to him.....and if I were better at it, he proabbly would have been signing a few months ago, but to see him signing tonight makes me so proud!! We are HUGE fans of Signing Times and to see my kids able to learn these signs, use them and especially communicate with kids that they may not be able to communicate with otherwise, just makes me BEAM as a parent!! Not to mention that I have learned alot of these signs myself, and am able to learn them with the kids, help them learn the signs and also communicate with one of the sweetest little girls I know that lives in our neighborhood!! Needless to say....huge fan of ASL and Signing Times!! Highly recommend them for everyone!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ahhhhhhh...RAIN!! I love the rain!! Truly I do, excpet being out in it. This morning it is raining. I plan on putting a chili in the crockpot for dinner. I love Crockpots too!! Hopw great is it that I can throw everyhting together and it be Cooked and ready when I want to eat!! HEAVEN!! If you don't use your crockpot at least once or twice a week, you are wasting it!! A great tool!!

Anyway, I got some pix downloaded to the laptop cause I was sick of not posting with them. So here I am. Yesterday was productive, many loads of laundry later and today will be spent puting them away. Among other voting!! I love that we have the right to vote in the country. That our voices matter. I will go vote this afternoon, hoping the lines won't be too long. I will be anxiously awaiting the results of Prop 8 in Ca. along with many others. I believe marriage should only be between a man and a woman, yet I understand the want for everyone to be considered equal, so this one interests me personally.

Not so busy week, thank goodness. I am ready to just have some days at home. No more little friend to watch, so no picking him up from school at noon on top of everythign else I have to do each day. The rest of this week consists of voting and a playdate on Thurs. that's it!!!

I hope you all go out and exercize your right to vote. Make good decisions based on the canidates and what you believe. Don't just vote without knowing the issues and consequences at hand, just because you can!! Your future depends on it!!