Are so good at blogging every day, or even every other day. Some every week like clock work, but then there is me!!! I try for at least once a month and more often if time and creativity permit!!! So here I am!!!!
We have been so busy lately, that I am not sure where my time is going!! During the week my time is mostly spent playing taxi to these little monkeys of mine! Between three schools and doctors appts( mine, and the kids)......that keeps me pretty busy!! Aside from all that, we have been doing alot!! About three weeks ago, we got a new car, well a Surburban really....not for the seating space, but for the cargo space and I am LOVING it!! So nice not to worry about packing light for a change and no complaints from Ron if I bring more then two or three pairs of shoes for a weekend visit!! :-) So of course, after getting said new car, we took a quick weekend trip up to Twin Falls, ID to visit our friends over Labor Day weekend!! So much fun!!
Last weekend was Ron and my 10th Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary....Love you honey!! We spent it with the kids and took them to Peach days in Brigham City, dinner at Iggy's and bowling at Fat Cats. While in BC we picked up a box of peaches and one of nectarines, so last week I spent canning those. The week before it was apples, and the week before that it was tomatoes!! A productive canning season for me, since this was the first year I attemptted to do it at home!!! This past weekend, we took the kids to Hollywood connection and the Fair!! We also went to the TF fair while in Idaho which I liked better then ours.....cheaper, less people and more free stuff for the kids to do!!! Anyway, as you can see we have been very busy!!!
So, Ron is back to work now, but has changed shifts and is working swing (2-10pm) instead of graves!! I am not working right now!! We have a new car and three kids in at least some sort of school!! Holly, foster child, is still here and doing well in adjusting to her new surroundings, as are our kids with having her around! I am still expecting #4....November 5th is the due date!! So less then 50 days to go now and counting!!! Isaac will be 2 on November 1st and I think hit the terrible twos last year :-) Aidan is doing great and loving pre-school. Maddie is doing great too and really loving Kindergarden!!
I think thats it for now!! Hope all is well with all of you too!!