My boys...... doing what boys do!!
So here we are at another weekend.....yesterday we spent all day running around and getting things done that needed to be done. It was a good productive day, away from home. What I need today is a good productive day AT home!! Seriously.....there is so much to be done around here. When is someone going to invent a house that cleans itself, and does laundry and maybe cleans its own windows?? Is that asking too much?? Can these houses earn their keep....I mean come on.....we have to pay thosands for them as it is and then they don't even make a self cleaning model!! JJJEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!
No, I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. With the monkeys around here getting bigger, they are able to help out a tiny bit more, like cleaning up the playroom and empyting inside garbage cans. I can't wait til they can put away their own clothes....that is where I really struggle! I can do laundry all day, no problem, but to get it all actually put away is another story!!
OK, so enough with the negitive and on to the positive! Yesterday serisouly was a great day. We took the kids to Wheeler Farm and ate lunch at a picnic table there, then walked around and saw the animals. It was such a beautiful day and so nice to spend some quality time with the monkeys. They love animals so much and are so excited to see them....almost as excited as I was!! ;-) Today will also be a great day, for I am blessed with family! Maddie and Aidan are at the church as we speak, practising for their Primary program that they are in tomorrow. They were more then excited to go today.....especially to eat breakfast up at the church!! While they are there, everyone else around here is up and showered and dressed. Now I just need to get off the computer and start my mound of laundry ;-)
As far as baby goes.....nothing yet. My last appt. was this past Thursday and nothing is happening in that department. (Except a positive Group Step B test) No dilating, no nothing!! No worries though....I have less then 3 weeks left at this point. My doctor won't discuss inducing until my due date, which is three appts. away. I can do three more appts. At that point, he will most likely schedule the induction the following week. So by my calculations, even if I don't go on my own and have to be induced yet again.....I am still looking at no more then a month before this beautiful little girl joins our family and I CAN'T WAIT!!! Oh wait...yes, I can! I am more then ready to meet her and hold her.....but what's a month?? I can do that!!