Monday, July 14, 2008

Two Dogs and some Stiches!!!

What a weekend~!! The title says it all!! We'll we got one new dog on Thursday afternoon, Mia...a 6 month old Papillon/Chiwawa mix. Darling little dog!! The we got another new dog on Saturday, Diasy, a 1 1/2 year old Yellow Lab....the dog I have wanted since meeting Ruger, our friends yellow lab whom I absolutly love....he was my inspiration!! It's a long story, but we were suspossed to go and look at Daisy last weekend, but then got a call form her owners saying they could keep her, so basically never we went looking at oter dogs and found Mia!! This past Saturday, so a week later, I get a call from Daisy's owner saying they have changed their minds and are now getting rid of her, were we still interested?? Um.....Ron and I talked and desided to go and look at her and see...because frankly, Duke still needed a friend he could play with and Mia wasn't going to cut it!! So we go and look at her, and I fall in love....she is perfect!! A sweet, non hyper, good to kids, trained dog!! So we take her home ;) I am a sucker for animals, what more can I say!!! So now we have three dogs....What were we thinking???

And on to the Stiches.....guess who?? Not me, not Ron and surpirsingly NOT Aidan~!!! Madelyn got her first stiches on Friday evening!! My poor little girl was so brave! We had the Sister Missonaries here for we are eating and Maddie gets Aidan a papertowl because, surprise, he spilled something....she was kneeling in my chair handing it to him, when the chair moved and she feel face first onto the floor!! We couldn't get the cut to stay closed to we took her in and she ended up with five stiches!! She was really brave and I think I was more scared of them then she was....but we all got through it (Huge thanks to the Sochas for taking the boys and Mia while Ron and I went to the Dr. w/ Maddie) and she got a pink popsicle afterwards so that made her day. We went back in today for a checkup and they are healing nicely!! She should get them out on Thursday! Poor girl!!

1 comment:

Da'Owings' said...

Hi! I finally remembered you left a comment on my blog and desided to check yours out. You are much better than I started out. There are monthes between my first posts. Luckily, knock on wood, my kids haven't had any stiches yet. Ouch! hope they heal well, and good luck with the dogs.