Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday......

So what did you tackle today?? I had great plans, but they were interupted by a scheduled Dentist appt. for the kids! I did however, get to the Bishop's Storehouse to get some more wheat.....3 - 25 lbs. bags worth this go round!! Getting more wheat has been on my to do list for eons now, so check in the box....that is done. I got a fews loads of laundry washed and dried but not folded or put away!! I made dinner, exchaged some pants, dropped off videos to the library and went to the post office, worked out this morning, took kids too and from pre school and watched our little friend for an hour....does all that count?? I think it does!! I really hoped to have one of those "really get alot done days" but apparenttly today wasn't it!! Maybe tomorrow.........
On a side note- that picture is of Aidan just after he turned one!! Boy - Isaac is sure looking like him!! I didn't notice it til I looked at that Pix!!

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