Thursday, April 2, 2009

So yeah......

I'm still not telling!!!! But I made ya look, didn't I??? HEHEHEHEHEHE I know it's mean. On some level I think it is the control freak in me!! LOL!! Seriously though - about four or five of you have asked what the big secret is and I haven't told any of you all of them.....all of them, you ask?? YEP - I have about three things to announce. So some of you might know one or two, but no one knows them may think you know, but you don't!!! So yeah - I'm still not telling!! I hope to be able to share at least one of them with you maybe next week. The other two will have to least another three weeks for one, possibly longer for the other!! But I do know that those of you who have asked actually read my thank you for that!! It's nice to know that someone does!! LOL!!!

so til later..........

Oh and this picture is of my dad and Isaac from Disneyland in December....cute huh???

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