Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I for one happen to love it when someone mentions somewhere, blog, FB, whaerever, that they may have some news to share and to stay turned!! It drives me crazy. Obsessively, complusivly crazy until I find out what that news is!! I speculate about all kinds of things until I find out. And as much as is does drive me crazy, I don't want to be the only one!! LOL!!! So in an effort to make sure I am not alone in all my craziness.......Stay turned over the next few weeks for an important announcement!!! Many aspects of our little world have been in turmoil lately, and I hope to have some good news to share soon!!!

*** There, now you all can go crazy with me...... mawhahahahahahahah***


COOLWHIP said...

I guess I did that last week. Sorry, if you did catch that. If not, nevermond. But I can guess what your news is. And my mind is a churnin.....

Karen said...

That's so mean Erin! I hope you are going to tell me you are adopting or having another baby/child.

Shan said...
