Monday, April 26, 2010

adding more......

So my DI pile continues to grow, and grow, and grow....

I cleaned out my closet today and added 25 items of clothing to my pile, which is a bag and a half, garbage bag size!!! I also added 2 more Easter Baskets, a vacuum cleaner and a large bag of vacuum cleaner bags to my I am thinking I might need to make a trip to DI before Friday!!

So whats my total now??
I think I am close to 50, with the 25 items of clothing!!
Let's see, if I remember correctly, I still needed 39 more items.... I added 29 items today, so that would put me at 40 items gone and forgotten!!! Only 10 more things to get rid of..I am still going to see how much more I can rid my house of by the end of the month....I am sure there is more in here somewhere that can go!!!

On a side note, the dumpsters were here this past weekend for the annual spring cleanup! The city or county (not sure which) places dumpsters on every street...ours had 3....and you put whatever you need into them to throw away (non hazardous of course)and then a day or so later, they come and pick them up again and take all the junk to the dump!! I live for dumpster day every year!! This year we had a old toilet from the bathroom remodel, several 2 x 4's that were not straight enough to use, two old patio tables, a dryer, the list goes on..... We got rid of it all this weekend, plus I was able to convince Ron to get rid of 3 long tables and a shop vac that also IMO needed to go!! And the best part is, they did...GO that is!!! So that pile is gone now as well....Ce la vie!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

A decent start....

So in the DI pile are:
4 picture frames
3 pairs of pants
1 shirt
1 round thingy of tupperware like things and its holder
1 Easter Basket
6 Western BDay party invites w/ envelopes

I will count that as 11 things.....only 39 more things to go.

So my closet in on the list of things to go through....I was watching Rachel Ray the other day and she had this lady on there that was showing you how to dress your best to look thin, or something like that. Anyway, she said not turtlenecks, no velour, velvet, or courteroy..... Pretty sure I have a thing or two to get rid of in one or more of those categories (not saying which :-))

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Its Been Awhile....

More and more of my time catching up with what everyone is up to, I find being done on FB, thus eliminating my need and/or desire to blog. This is different.....I found something I am passionate about...Spring Cleaning. But more then that...getting rid of the clutter!! Those of you that have been to my house know that it is small and not only do I have a small house, I don't have a garage, thus all the outside stuff is stored inside (or in the shed, but thats another story). Most of you also know that we are a family of seven...yes, seven!! A small house with seven people and without a garage for storage, makes for a crowded house, no matter how you look at it :-) So here is my newest project...I am going to get rid of 50 things....lets say by the end of the month. I won't throw the "stuff" away, because that is just against my system of trying to help others, but I will freecycle it and/or I will take it to DI.....I WILL GET 50 THINGS OUT OF MY HOUSE....and by the end of April. This is my inspiration: A book called Throw Out Fifty Things: Clear the Clutter, Find Your Life. According to the author you should follow these four rules when clearing out the clutter:
  1. Rule No. 1: If the item, memory, job or even person is weighing you down, get rid of it.
  2. Rule No. 2: If the thing is not contributing something positive, let it go.
  3. Rule No. 3: If it takes you a long time to decide whether something needs to be tossed, throw it out.
  4. Rule No. 4: If you're afraid to throw out something, get rid of the fear.
So I am up for the challenge...anybody with me???