Monday, December 28, 2009


Claire is seven weeks old today!! She is growing WAY too fast! She is also fitting into some of her 3-6 month is that possible?? I hate that she is getting big so fast, but on the other hand, she starting smiling within about the last two weeks and it is adorable! I can't get enough of her little smiles. She is also starting to "talk" or coo, and that is also adorable! Her baby acne is the worst of all four kids and I hope it goes away VERY soon! But otherwise, she is the love of my life and I am enjoying every minute of the time I get to spend with her. Another plus..... she is already sleeping though the bed around 10 ish and up about 7ish....a good 7-8 hours at a time!! My girls have been FAR better sleepers then the boys!!

For those of you that follow the blog and not Facebook....we are blessing her this Sunday the 3rd at 11am at the church house right by our house, Sacrament is first first! Hope to see you there!!

Aidan turned four the day after Christmas as kids are getting so big!! How is it that 4 seems so much bigger then 3?? He got a few presents and we took him to wherever he wanted for lunch, he picked McDonald's!! Fine with me, cheap and the kids could all get their wiggles out playing in the play area!!

It also just occurred to me that Maddie and Aidan will go into different Primary classes this weekend because they are now another year older!! Holy COW!!!

Maybe all this age stuff is hitting me because Ron just turned another year older in December and I also have a BDay coming up...I don't know....but it sucks!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Here are some new pictures of the kids, all with Claire so you can all see how cute my little munchkin is :-)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

She's Arrived.....

I think most of you already know....but for those of you that don't....little Claire finally desided to arrive on November 9th!! Claire Isabell Pearce was born at 8:39 pm on Monday the 9th after about 12 hours of labor weighing in at 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 18 inches long! We came home from the hospital on Wednesday morning and everyone around here is doing well!!
She is absolutly beautiful and I am SO in love with her! Maybe because I know she will be our last, and maybe because she is so little and I love the newborn stage....but either way, I am so compleatly in love with her. If we could snuggle all day long, I would not complain. As I type this, I am waiting for her to wake up again so I can kiss her some more.
I was induced on Monday and after a combination of things happening, I was still only dilated to a 3 1/2 at 6:30pm in the evening. Shortly after that, my Dr' came in to break my water. Once that happened, I went from a 4cm to 10cm in less then 2 hours!! And then after a very long day, and two pushes later, little Claire had arrived!!
I am so glad to have her here and SO glad to not be pregnant anymore. This pregancy, while not awful, was definately the hardest on my body and I won't be doing it again. Our sweet little family of 6 is now complete!! I have my adorable little boys and my super sweet bookend girls and we are complete!! For the first time ever, I finally feel like my family is complete. What a wonderful feeling that is!
I am so greateful for each of my kiddos and the love that we share. What a blessing these kids are in my life and I wouldn't trade them for the world.....although some days are much harder then others....they are mine and I love them SSSSSOOOOOOO Much! I am also so very grateful for my loving husband, who put up with my horrible pregnancy mood swings, and still loves me :-) I am grateful for his willingness to trust in me to be a mother to these beautiful children and to understand when I felt that we were to have four instead of the two we orginally talked about. I love him dearly!! I will post pics of Claire soon.........

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Another Weekend.....

My boys...... doing what boys do!!
So here we are at another weekend.....yesterday we spent all day running around and getting things done that needed to be done. It was a good productive day, away from home. What I need today is a good productive day AT home!! Seriously.....there is so much to be done around here. When is someone going to invent a house that cleans itself, and does laundry and maybe cleans its own windows?? Is that asking too much?? Can these houses earn their keep....I mean come on.....we have to pay thosands for them as it is and then they don't even make a self cleaning model!! JJJEEEEZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!
No, I don't expect that to happen anytime soon. With the monkeys around here getting bigger, they are able to help out a tiny bit more, like cleaning up the playroom and empyting inside garbage cans. I can't wait til they can put away their own clothes....that is where I really struggle! I can do laundry all day, no problem, but to get it all actually put away is another story!!
OK, so enough with the negitive and on to the positive! Yesterday serisouly was a great day. We took the kids to Wheeler Farm and ate lunch at a picnic table there, then walked around and saw the animals. It was such a beautiful day and so nice to spend some quality time with the monkeys. They love animals so much and are so excited to see them....almost as excited as I was!! ;-) Today will also be a great day, for I am blessed with family! Maddie and Aidan are at the church as we speak, practising for their Primary program that they are in tomorrow. They were more then excited to go today.....especially to eat breakfast up at the church!! While they are there, everyone else around here is up and showered and dressed. Now I just need to get off the computer and start my mound of laundry ;-)
As far as baby goes.....nothing yet. My last appt. was this past Thursday and nothing is happening in that department. (Except a positive Group Step B test) No dilating, no nothing!! No worries though....I have less then 3 weeks left at this point. My doctor won't discuss inducing until my due date, which is three appts. away. I can do three more appts. At that point, he will most likely schedule the induction the following week. So by my calculations, even if I don't go on my own and have to be induced yet again.....I am still looking at no more then a month before this beautiful little girl joins our family and I CAN'T WAIT!!! Oh wait...yes, I can! I am more then ready to meet her and hold her.....but what's a month?? I can do that!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another day.....

that I got to visit the doctor!! I am tired of appointments...not just for me but the kids too! I don't want to be in doctors offices this time of year when bugs are rampant! I don't want to catch anything, I don't want to bring anythign home to my monkeys! Is that so wrong??

But, it is inevitatble.....I will be going to weekly appointments now and until I have this baby! The great news is that the time will go by quickly. Weekly appointments always make the time go faster. As of today I am about 30% effaced, but not dialated as of yet. When I was chekced today, he didn't feel her head, so he did a quick US in the office. She is sitting kind of sideways, with her head kind of above my left leg.....hopefully she finds the right place to be by herself and decides to come quickly!! With this little monkey, I am ready! And I am ready now! Clothes are washed, room is ready, I am ready.....with the others, it wasn't like this. I wasn't nearly as ready. I can't wait to meet this little monkey and hold her and love her with all my heart.....I am ready to meet her! I am ready!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Tracy Aviary is FREE October 1st - Oct 4th in honor of UEA weekend. Anyone want to go???

Monday, September 21, 2009

Some people.....

Are so good at blogging every day, or even every other day. Some every week like clock work, but then there is me!!! I try for at least once a month and more often if time and creativity permit!!! So here I am!!!!

We have been so busy lately, that I am not sure where my time is going!! During the week my time is mostly spent playing taxi to these little monkeys of mine! Between three schools and doctors appts( mine, and the kids)......that keeps me pretty busy!! Aside from all that, we have been doing alot!! About three weeks ago, we got a new car, well a Surburban really....not for the seating space, but for the cargo space and I am LOVING it!! So nice not to worry about packing light for a change and no complaints from Ron if I bring more then two or three pairs of shoes for a weekend visit!! :-) So of course, after getting said new car, we took a quick weekend trip up to Twin Falls, ID to visit our friends over Labor Day weekend!! So much fun!!
Last weekend was Ron and my 10th Anniversary!!! Happy Anniversary....Love you honey!! We spent it with the kids and took them to Peach days in Brigham City, dinner at Iggy's and bowling at Fat Cats. While in BC we picked up a box of peaches and one of nectarines, so last week I spent canning those. The week before it was apples, and the week before that it was tomatoes!! A productive canning season for me, since this was the first year I attemptted to do it at home!!! This past weekend, we took the kids to Hollywood connection and the Fair!! We also went to the TF fair while in Idaho which I liked better then ours.....cheaper, less people and more free stuff for the kids to do!!! Anyway, as you can see we have been very busy!!!

So, Ron is back to work now, but has changed shifts and is working swing (2-10pm) instead of graves!! I am not working right now!! We have a new car and three kids in at least some sort of school!! Holly, foster child, is still here and doing well in adjusting to her new surroundings, as are our kids with having her around! I am still expecting #4....November 5th is the due date!! So less then 50 days to go now and counting!!! Isaac will be 2 on November 1st and I think hit the terrible twos last year :-) Aidan is doing great and loving pre-school. Maddie is doing great too and really loving Kindergarden!!

I think thats it for now!! Hope all is well with all of you too!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday Wishes.......

The pink doll is the cake we got Maddie for her 5th Birthday!! So my baby is 5 today......5......I have a 5 year old. Ron and I have been parents for five years, five.....half our married life. She starts Kindergarden tomorrow.....just typing this brings tears to my baby is growing up, a little too quickly!! I miss her being little, but I look forward to her being a big girl and sharing things with her. I look forward to her learning new things at school, and in life. I don't look forward to the boys and the clothes and the shoes.....all those things that go with having girls!!! I love how caring she is to others and what a loving child she is! I love that she will radomly tell me she loves me, or Ron. I love that she still hugs and kisses us many times a day! I love this big girl and the little lady that she is becoming!!
Maddie - Honey - I look forward to the days and years ahead when we will get know each other better and spend time doing and talking about girl things. I look forward to the day that you will come to me with questions, about life, about boys, about anything. Your Dad and I are so proud of you and the little girl that you are and have become in these past five years. Happy Birthday Honey!! We look forward to many more!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

She inspires me......

If you know anything about kids and learning sign language, then you have probably at some point, have run accross or heard about Signing Times.....We LOVE Signing Times, all of us!! But, more then the TV Show (that is no longer on the air) the DVD's with Alex and Leah, and the CD's with their silly pizza Rachel!! The brains behind well actually in front of the camera. She is a mom to two girls, both with disabilities that require them to have learned sign language to communicate. She is amazing as a person, a performer, a singer, but most of all she is amazing as a mom.......if you've never visited her blog, take the time to check out this entry. **** WARNING: TISSUES NEEDED**** She inspires me to be a better person and a better mother. I admire her more then she will ever know! Rachel thank you for taking the time to put this into words, and thank you for teaching all of us!! YOU are amazing!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Political Quote that Applies Today.....

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves. .....Abraham Lincoln

Monday, July 20, 2009


Another Graduation picture........
Ok, so I have some additional news to share! First and formost, Ron got a job!! YEAH!!! and relief!! After being unemployed for almost 8 months, finally a breakthrough!! He is working for a company called PCA (Packaging Corp. of America) and it isn't too far from home!! He isn't driving but rather is a Materials Handler in the Warehouse and is working graves again! We struggled with graves when he did it at Winder, but this time it is different, it is a straight 8 hour shift!! Ron can't recall a time in his life that he has ever had a straight 8 hour a day job! Normally it was 10, 12 or even 14 hours for him! Til the job was done!! So this will be a nice change!! He is excited to be working again and having adult conversation and be out of the house!! i am excited to have him working again!! LOL!!
More exciting news......we found out the same day that Ron got his job that we are also getting something else a little new!! Back in January, we began paperwork for foster care. We finished all the requirememnts/classes in Febuary and have since been waiting for placement of a child!! Last week on Thursday, we got a phone call that they have a child for us. I am SO excited!! She moves in a week from today and her name is Holly! She is 14 and will be in the 8th grade! The kids are so excited to have a "big sister" and Ron and I are excited for the oppertunity to help this little girl and open our home to her. This weekend we worked on her room and moved some things around. We went to Ikea and got some things she will need!! I can't wait for her to move in! What a wonderful experance this will be to teach our kids about helping others. I am really looking forward to it on so many levels!!
So with this news, that brings about more changes!! Since Ron is working evenings/early mornings, that doesn't allow me time to work from home anymore as those were the hours I was doing it. Yesterday I was able to give that company my notice, so after this week I won't have to worry about working from home. In addition, because Holly is approved to attend the after school program that RISE offers, I won't be working that any more after this week as well, so my hours will only be M-F until 3:00 ish instead of 5:30 ish!!! That allows me so much more time with my family, which of course I couldn't be happier about!!! I will continue to work my normal 9-3 as long as Ron can survive the kids during the day! That is the summer program and it ends in about 4 1/2 weeks anyway, so for my working should end soon and then I can get back to spending time with my family, learning all about Holly, and spending time with my friends who I have sincerely missed!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

New Pictures....

So back at the end of May, Maddie and Aidan graduated from pre-school!! Madelyn from her second year and Aidan from his first year. Maddie starts Kindergarden in August, the day after her 5th B-Day!! I LOVE this picture of them together from graduation day!!!

Isaac got his first big boy haircut!! From curls, to nothing! It took Ron and I a few days to get used to his new little guy look.....


And After:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

So we are having a...........

Oh my gosh, I am so excited!! We found out today that we are having another girl!! Dont' get me wrong, I LOVE my boys and I would not trade them for the world. They are so special to me. They make me laugh and they make me cry and I love them both dearly!! But I really wanted another girl. Maybe more then I thought!! I was totally prepping myself for this baby to be another boy, after all all the boys in Ron's family have had girl, boy. boy and the first of them to have #4 it was another boy!! So I figured we would surely follow suit and this baby would also be a boy!! Could I handle three boys in my house growing up?? Not too mention the bigger boy that resides here too?? What would happen after Maddie got bigger and moved away, me alone with these boys?? I couldn't picture it....not me...growing up without brothers!! This pregnancy has been alot like when I was prego with Maddie, but still it could be a boy!! Like I said, prepping myself........and then today, we go to my ob appt. My Dr. listens to the heartbeat. I tell him, we have the ultrasound this afternoon, so what are your predictions?? He says Boy!! I told him I hoped he was wrong!! Again, still prepping myself because surely the Dr. knows what he is doing!! So then we go to the Ultrasound appt. this afternoon......and they start right away asking if we want to know the sex......UM HELLLLOOOOOO...obvisouly they don't know me...I am a planner!! I HAVE to know the sex of this baby!! And they look and say GIRL!!! What, yep, GIRL!!! Tears start rolling from my eyes. I am so excited!! Two and two...I couldn't ask for anything more!!! I love these kids so much and to know we get to be blessed with another one makes me so excited!! What a wonderful day!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Old picture.....

OK, so this is another OLD picture..... and wow how we have changed!!! Ron and I got married in 99 at a drive thru wedding chapel in Las Vegas...this is a picture from our "wedding" What a fun time we had and such fond memories that trip holds for us. Plus what a conversation starter when asked where we got married:-) Anyway - it has been on my mind alot lately because we will be married 10 years this September. We have been through so much together in the past almost 10 years and IMO we have become such better people for it. So much has changed in our lives and we still have so much ahead of us. Good and bad I am sure!! We have survived deaths and celebrated births, survived layoffs, purchased our first home, taken many trips and vacations, started traditions and a wonderful family.....and although it isn't Sept. yet, I can't help but thinking about our Anniversary this year and how grateful I am to have a wonderful husband and father for my kids who truely loves me for who I am. Not an easy task on some days, I am sure!! I love you Ron!! Thank you for all you do and for who you are and the person you have become!!
On a side note....I am LOVING these thunderstorms we have been getting almost daily!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


So you can tell by the date on this picture that it is from December 2003!! Ron and I were driving home from CA. after being there for Xmas and my grandmas funeral. We were passing over the Sierra Nevadas and this was how much snow they had......we had to stop and take pictures. I am 5'5" if that gives you any idea!!! And it was FREEZING cold!!!
Anyway - this picture, among others, was on an old computer that I haven't been able to look at for years. When our computer crashed last week, I called my friend Michelle to see if her hubby might have a minute to look at it. HE went above and beyond looking at it.....and needless to say removed some hard drives, and moved some around, and now I can see my pictures again!! YEAH!! And a HUGE thank you Michelle and Alex for helping us out during this crisis!! IT is GREATLY appreciated and we owe you one!
So today is suspossed to be able 76 degrees.....I am not complaining and I like the warm weather especially after a long, cold winter, but I much perfer the snow and rain and cold to the heat! I looked at the newspaper this morning and it is only suspossed to get hotter this week. Up into the high 80' happened to easing us into the heat?? On the other hand, in talking to my mom yesterday, she mentioned 101 in Sacramento I MUCH prefer the 70's over the 100's, especailly in May...because if it that hot now, I can't imagine what summer is going to be like!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What are we up to???

Well...I feel so busy lately that I don't know which way is up, or down, or well you get the idea!! Happy Mother's Day to you all by the way!! I know that is today!! LOL!! So since I am not seeing the people I used to see on a daily basis, I figured I would update here!! Life is still crazy for us. Ron has finished school and passed his driving and testing this week!! He is now an offical CDL holder!! He did so great!~! Can you imagine backing and parallel parking a semi?? He had to do that for his test!! Crazy!! So now we move on to quickly finding him a job, hopefully!! Not that he had stopped trying while he was in school, because he didn't, but now our need is becoming a little more urgent with us approaching the 6 month mark and unemployment almost running out! So if anyone knows of a driving job, local or OTR, please let us know!!
As for me, well I am coninuing to work my two jobs!! I got hired as a supervisor for the Summer Program at the one job, so starting in June I will be working 40+ hours a week at that job alone. That will continue until the end of August. So IF Ron doesn't find something, at least I will be full time and he can watch the kids til the end of that timeframe!! After that - well I haven't thought ahead that far, cause I am REALLY, REALLY praying that he finds something and I won't need to worry about it! I'm truely grateful to have found something more fulltime, but can I tell you how much it breaks my heart to know that I will miss out on an entire summer with my kids?? No free lunch at the park, no daytime trips to the zoo, no park playdates, or any other playdates for that matter.....I am having a hard time with that~! I am glad that they will get to spend that time with Ron, but its still just different....they need their mommy~! Maybe this is so close to my heart because of today being mother's day, maybe my emotions are just running high because I am prego....IDK....but I have been such a baby today. Oh well...... such is life.
Otherwise, the kids are all doing GREAT!! Maddie has Kindergarden orientation this past week and was thrilled to meet her new teacher and cannot wait to start school in August. She starts the day after her B-Day, so we figured we will take treats on the first day of school as a special treat! Maddie and Aidan are both almost done with pre-school for the year, anbd will celebrate with a graduation on the 20th. They love going to school, so I am sure summer might be a bit rough for them!! Isaac is a monkey and keeps us running in every direction. He is talking a little more now days and is saying cookie, and baby among a few other words.
No pictures today, because last week our computer crashed and we had to get a new one. My other job requires me to work from home, so we couldn't go without it! I am loving how fast this new one is, as well as the 20" screen instead of my old 13"....... so once I get some files back or download pictures.....they won't be any for a bit~!!
Anyway - I hope all of you mother's had a wonderful day! You are all such great examples to me and I love each and every one of you! Thank you for that which you bring to my life!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

So busy......

Another picture from Disneyland......

Anyway, I honestly haven't meant to keep you waiting on my news. I am juggling so many things right now, I honestly just forgot to update my blog. For those of you that don't know.....I am trying to handle two jobs, a husband that is now in school full time, 3 kids, out of town company for the past three days, and run a household, be in the RS Presidency at church (read Meetings, meetings, meetings) and on top of all of that.....I am pregnant!! OK, that is news number 1. I am expecting and yes, again. The timing isn't the best with Ron being out of work, but we will take it!! I am due approx. Nov 6th, about 5 days after Isaac turns two!! So I am just about 11 weeks along at this point....almost 3 months!! So on top of everything else going on, I have been tired and haven't felt so well. News #2, Ron is in school full time FINALLY!! He started last week, and only has a month of school to get his CDL. He took his permit test this week and passed and should start "behind the wheel" next week at school. He was told that if he wants to do long haul, then he will have a job before he is done with school. And while long haul isn't my first choice, he will do whatever he needs to to get a job right now, looking for something local as soon as he can get it!! So, he's in school and should have a job of some sort within the next few weeks. The other news will have to wait until I have some things confirmed. It my take weeks, maybe months, so I won't tease you about it. I will let it go til I have some more answers!! Thanks for going though the antiscipation with me!! Love you guys!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

So yeah......

I'm still not telling!!!! But I made ya look, didn't I??? HEHEHEHEHEHE I know it's mean. On some level I think it is the control freak in me!! LOL!! Seriously though - about four or five of you have asked what the big secret is and I haven't told any of you all of them.....all of them, you ask?? YEP - I have about three things to announce. So some of you might know one or two, but no one knows them may think you know, but you don't!!! So yeah - I'm still not telling!! I hope to be able to share at least one of them with you maybe next week. The other two will have to least another three weeks for one, possibly longer for the other!! But I do know that those of you who have asked actually read my thank you for that!! It's nice to know that someone does!! LOL!!!

so til later..........

Oh and this picture is of my dad and Isaac from Disneyland in December....cute huh???

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So I for one happen to love it when someone mentions somewhere, blog, FB, whaerever, that they may have some news to share and to stay turned!! It drives me crazy. Obsessively, complusivly crazy until I find out what that news is!! I speculate about all kinds of things until I find out. And as much as is does drive me crazy, I don't want to be the only one!! LOL!!! So in an effort to make sure I am not alone in all my craziness.......Stay turned over the next few weeks for an important announcement!!! Many aspects of our little world have been in turmoil lately, and I hope to have some good news to share soon!!!

*** There, now you all can go crazy with me...... mawhahahahahahahah***

Friday, February 20, 2009


Lucky you!The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me! My choice. For you. This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1. I make no guarantees that you will like what I make!
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It’ll be done this year. {hopefully slightly sooner;)}
4. You have no clue what it’s going to be. It may be a story. It may be poetry or maybe even some creation I haven’t even invented yet. I may draw or paint something. I may bake you something and mail it to you. Who knows? Not you, that’s for sure! (But lets be honest here. This is me and I am not the best at wonderful ideas! I may bake or scrapbook or bow something, but I really haven’t thought that far ahead;)
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange (if I feel the desire).The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 5 people who do the same on your blog. The first 5 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me!* * *Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day....

What did you do?? In the past, Ron and I haven't done much on V-Day or our Anniversary, not because we don't love each other, but because we just thought of it as a waste to spend money on cards that get thrown away, or flowers that die, etc!! Last September, our anniversary rolled around and my parents were here for a visit. They said they would watch the kids, if we wanted to go out to dinner, or we took them up on that deal!! FREE babysitting, who wouldn't?? LOL!! That morning, we get up say our Happy Anniversaries, talk about what tiem we are going to dinner, and that's about it. Well, my mom gets all wierd about this, syaign that we should at least get each other cards, or make one or soemthing..... We brushed it off and went about our day! Later she explained to us.....It really bothered her, because if we don't do anythign on those days, then how do we "keep the romance alive"?? She said it isn't about spending the money, or the flowers, it is about expressing your love and appreciation for that person by taking the time to show them they matter, by getting them a card or flowers, or both!! Ron and I talked abotu it and agreed....we could be better about it~! So later that day he went out and got me a card and flowers before taking me to dinner, my choice!!!

So, fast forward to Valentine's Day!! This whole thing my mom said is still very fresh in my mind. Ron and I planned on attending a Stake Valentine's Day Adult only Dance on the 13th, and going to dinner before hand, and that would be our V-Day!! We hadn't talked abotu anything else, cards, etc!! So earlier that week Maddie and I were at Wally world and we picked out cards from her, from the boys, and from me. I kept them hid in the car, and to my knowlegde, she didn't tell either!! (YEAH Maddie) Ron and I went to the dance Friday night, went to dinner, had a great time!! So much fun, really!! Saturday comes and we give the kids cards to him and mine.....he breaks out a card of his own....he didn't forget to get a card!! He must have remembered my mom's conversation too!! So after that while story......THANKS MOM!!! For helping us to see what Valentine's Day and our Anniversary should really be about!! (Her and my Dad have been married 39 years this year, so they must know a little about it, huh??)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Role Reversal.....

So our lives have been turned around a little lately without Ron working. We are doing well though...thanks to all of those that keep asking!!! Since everyone keeps asking, I figured I better update!! So as of right now, I am working two part time jobs and Ron is being a stay at home dad!! My first job is doing companion care with disabled children. I work with two on a consistant basis, one who is 16 and one who is 18 months. They are both a handfull, but I love them and I am really enjoying this job. It makes me grateful that I am so blessed that my children do not have any known diabilities!! Yet I am also grateful to learn about so many disabilities and how different they are. So anyway, I am doing that 3-5 afternoons/evenings a week. My 2nd job is a work from home job doing customer service for a credit card company. I am training currently, and have been for most of January. Who knew credit cards were so complicated??? Once I finish training for that company I will be working in the morning for a couple of hours, and then again early afternoon and probably Saturdays too!! Between the two jobs, two callings (cause I haven't been relaeased from AD yet) a family, a home and a husband, life is keeping me VERY busy!! So I apologize if I have appeared much like a chicken running around with my head cut off....cause some days, that's how I feel!! It has been a juggling act, and so far I have all the balls in the air, yet I fear that won't hold true for much longer. Ron has been a HUGE help at home...he watches the kids while I am working, he is helping with dishes and laundry and most nights makes dinner too!! It has been challenging for both of us, since neither are used to these new roles that we have been throw into, but we are managing!! I know this is a temporary situation and it won't last forever. I know that Heavenly Father blesses us and we face trails to learn things. I am learning many what a good cook my husband is, and how hard it is on Madelyn that I have gone back to work. I have learned that I would MUCH rather be a stay at home mom, then a working mom, but I am ok working as long as Ron is home with the kids and we don't have to put them into daycare. I have learned that I enjoy working with people and that having a job is giving me a new aspect of self worth. I have learned that we can do anything we set our hearts and our minds too! I have a greater testimony of Heavenly Father and him giving us nothing more then we can handle. Last summer I would have had a major nervous breakdown if Ron would have been laid off at that point. And not that I wanted this to happen, but from the get go I have known that everything would be ok, even though I didn't know how. Heavenly Father has helped me through this tough time and everything really has been ok!! We are a stronger, closer family because of our trials and for that, I will be eternally grateful!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year???

I am truely hoping this will be a good year for us. Last year was hard....the last month has been really hard. If you have been following....alot of bad has happened and I am so done with the bad......I need to look on the bright side of things going forward. So.....the good things that have happening lately......We got to go to Disneyland the beginning of Dec with my family. My sister, neice and parents met us down there on the 5th of December. We got to leave on Thurs night instead of driving all day with three kids! Ron and I would both prefer to make along drive like that through the night so the kids can sleep and when this was all planned, we thought we were going to have to do the day drive, but we ended up not having to at least on the way there which was GREAT!! Disneyland was fun....super crowded, but fun~! I loved being able to experiance it through the eyes of my children. I loved seeing them try to understand that it was make believe and nothing would hurt them, like the cannons in the pirate ride, or the bad guys on any of the rides. i loved watching them laugh on the teacups. I loved watching them not be able to point fast enough to different things they noticed on It's A Small World. I loved watching how excited they got when they saw a charather...Mickey, Goofy, Buzz, any of the was magical!! I loved watching them watch the parades with open mouths in awe of each new thing that passed before their very eyes and the wonder of what could possibly come next!! I loved experiancing that with each of them.

It was also Ron's first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth!! Let's just say...he's a man and doesn't get so excited about things like that as I do. Although he LOVED the clam chowder at CA. Adventure and he LOVED the Sorin' Over California ride too!! So although he had probably wasn't as much as I wanted him too!! We have decided that we will go back soon, but just the two of us so we can cover more ground, faster...we missed alot with the kids and strollers, but I would trade a minute of it!!

Ok, so aside from Disneyland.......we have a new water heater that I know we won't have to worry about and will last a good five years with Magna Water!! We have a brand spankin' new garbage disposal....the last time was replaced it was 9 years ago, so I am hoping for a good 9 years out of that too!! We also have a brand new freezer (Thanks Mom and Dad!!) Again, i am hoping for 9+ years out of that one too!! None of those will break anytime soon!! We also got a new furnace this past Spring, so I am good there too!!! The car has new tires and should be fine!! We have a good roof over our heads with heat, and hot water. We have a freezer full of food and a storage room mostly full of food storage. So glad I listened to that small voice a few months ago to build it up NOW!!! Granted, we have room to improve, but it's good for now and we will be ok!!

Ron hopes to hear about a job next week, now that the holidays are over and everyone is back from vacations starting on Monday!! He did find out that he qualifies for medical benefits through VA since he was in the Air Force...thats great news for us!! On top of all that - I have found a job and have been working since Tuesday. It is part time and only four afternoon/evenings a week, but it is something!! I have tested for a few others and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can eventually get on at the Post office encoding center, but it takes time.

At church - Aidan will start "big boys Primary" as we call it around here. He will go to Sunday School and Sharing Time with the big kids starting this Sunday. No more nursery for him!! We are working on potty training and he is doing pretty well with it most of the time!! Maddie will move into the 4-5 year old class and get a new teacher starting Sunday as well!! Isaac only has five months from today til he starts in Nursery...but who's counting>>> ME!!! Starting sunday, our church also moves to a different timeblock. Instead of attending from 11 - 2, we will switch to 9-noon. I have mixed feelings about it, but we will make it work!! I also recieved a new calling and am the Secratary in the Relief Society.....something that is a bit foreign to me, but I guess it is where I need to be right now!! I am excited to learn new things and work with the ladies in RS. I will miss the Activity Day girls, but am ready for a change since I have been doing that calling for a few years now!!

Christmas was great around here. My parents came this year by train and stayed with us for about a week. My mom was thrilled by the amount of snow that fell while they were here!! My Dad was more excited about the GREAT burger he had from Five Guys.
We got some really nice presents from everyone and had a great time watching the kids open their's. We are currently waiting for the snow to melt as Santa brought the kids a trampoline, so we are waiting to put it up!!

Anyway - sorry for the novel!! That is all that has been going on around here!! The good, not the bad!!! We wish you all a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!