Tuesday, May 18, 2010

So I should....

There are alot of things I should be doing right now...Blogging and/or playing on FB are not any of them!!

This picture is of our family, as it is right now!! Holly, age 14, our foster child. Then Madelyn age 5, Aidan age 4, Isaac age 2, and Claire at about 4 months in this picture. I Love my family!! It wasn't long ago that we were not able to get pregnant and look at us now! Some people think I am crazy and maybe I am, but I love my husband and I love my kids. They are my world and I wouldn't be the person I am without them, all of them!

This was Easter. My parents came to town for Easter this year!! They both made a bunny cake with the kids, hid eggs, searched for eggs, etc!! I LOVE my parents for the both the parents that they are and for the grandparents they have become! I am so grateful they are an active part of my kids lives and my children wouldn't have it any other way! They love their Nana and Papa!!

This is my sweet baby girl! My last child! She is adorable and I can't get enough of her right now! I love that I am able to nurse her, still!! She turned 6 months old on Mother's Day! She means everything to me and I am enjoying her so much! At her 6 month appt. she weighed 14 pounds 13 1/2 ounces, 26% for weight....and then 74% for height!! Like Ron, I suppose ;-)

And this is Aidan....my momma's boy! And I love him!! Nuff' said!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

THE pile.....

So the pile of things to go to DI was driving me nuts, so I had Ron take it last week. I don't think I made it to 50, although I added a few more things to the now absent pile....by falling apart sewing machine and another pair of shoes. So thats two more things, but still short of my goal!! I am going to try and find the last few things this week and take them over by the weekend.....I may have not gotten 50 things out in April, but I did get some things out, and by my calculations, that is progress!!! And that makes me happy!!!

I do have so many of the kids clothes to go through, but it seems like every time I have the time to do it, it is when Claire is sleeping, and oh yeah..all those clothes I need to go through are in her room, so that isn't working so well for me...I will figure it out soon though, I hope!!

So what should the next goal/challenge be???