Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday.....

So what did I do today. My plan was to have something big that I did, but that didn't happen today....maybe next week ;) Between preschool this morning, working out, going to the library, picking up a little boy I am now watching, naps, lunch and dinner, swim lessons, book club meeting and meeting with our Bishop, my day was pretty much full!! And now here I am on the computer....which always seems to last alot longer then I antiscipate, however Ron is off to work and the kiddos are all in bed and I think even asleep!! So I am done updating, and off to strip and remake my bed!! That will be the only thing I tackled today!! Hope you had more productive days then mine!!

1 comment:

COOLWHIP said...

actually got my roome upstairs cleaned. But, when I get that done, everythngi else gets messier. So, I will be doing pears today!, And the rooms I did will become messy again. Such is life.