Tuesday, August 5, 2008


So I was tagged forever ago by Shanna and have yet to complete it...so here it goes...10 random things about me:

1) Ron and I got married in a drive thru wedding chapel in Las Vegas exactly one year from our frist date. This year will be 9 years married, 10 years since our first date!!

2) Our first date was a blind date and we went to the dollar theatres in Valley Fair to see the Horse Wisperer....I Paid!!

3) I was on the swim team in Jr. High and High School and also swam for our community team! I love to swim!!

4) It took us 2 1/2 years to first get pregnant with Madelyn!

5) I love to read and always get hand me down books from my Dad!!

6) My parents live in California (along with the rest of my family), but they see my children more then Ron's parents combined, who both live in Utah.

7) I only ever wanted two kids, but Heavenly Father has other plans, obviously!!

8) I want to be an elementary school teacher when I grow up!!

9) In Kindergarden, I wanted to be a zookeeper cause I love animals so much! Some things never change (The animals part is what I am refering too)

10) I am a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I converted when I was 22 years old in CA. before I moved to Utah. I never made a better decision!

If you read this far, then TAG.....your it!!

1 comment:

Shan said...

Kay, I am slow to comment but I love this post! Thanks for doing the tag, I love getting to know all the randome things about you! Very fun!