Monday, August 4, 2008

Breaking Dawn....

Anybody read it and finished it yet>?? Doea everybody know what I am talking about?? Breaking Dawn in the 4th book in Stephanie Meyer's Twlight series. It came out on August 2nd,so I waiting in line at midnight on Friday night to get the book!! Crazy, I know!! anyway, I started reading it Saturday morning, and finished it Sunday afternoon....I loved, loved, loved that book!! My favortie in the series, hands down!! I can't wait for the movie on December 12th...movies anyone????

1 comment:

Shan said...

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! I know what everyone is saying about it, bit still, you cannot put it down, and it gives good closure to the story. Let's see the midnight show shall we?? Glad someone else is as enthusiastic about it as I am :)